Riding Tuk-Tuks across town

Sri Lanka is known for its vast number of tuk tuks which roam on every street in every township. Unlike four wheeled vehicles, tuk-tuks are three wheeled small types of vehicle which can carry a maximum of three passengers and a driver. Tuk tuks are often used for short journeys to run errands as well as for joy rides. Rides on these handy cabs gives an experience like no other through the sheer pleasure of an open view of the road with fresh air blowing to the faces of the passengers as well as the driver. Overall, this brings out a totally different vibe to a person who arrives from a country where people use vehicles such as cars & limos as taxis instead of tuk tuks.

Tuk Tuks are handy since the beach is usually located not too far from the main coastal road or highway & as most attractions aren’t accessible only through trains or buses from most townships or train stations.